Deep Lawn — the NEW way to GROW your lawn care company

Why are companies like Amazon and Ebay able to scale so quickly?

Because of technology.

With a click (or two) of a button, anyone in the world can purchase items on these websites.

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Service businesses are not the same. Scaling business in the lawn care, landscaping, snow removal, etc industries are not as easy.

These types of businesses require more man-power, physical labor, and employees per dollar brought in.

But if you are an owner of one of these service businesses, it is absolutely crucial that you start to think like an internet business founder.

What are ways in which you can minimize friction to grow?

What processes or technology can you use to scale your business faster?

First, look at your sales process.

Are you allowing your customers to see your company’s pricing on your website?

Can your customers purchase services on your website by credit card?

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If not, you are missing out on a LOT of money.

In our attention deficit disorder culture, it is necessary to give your clients (or future clients) what they want.

And you might be wondering: what do they want?


Instant a la carte pricing, with the ability to sign up for services 24/7.

This has not been possible — until now.

DeepLawn is the ultimate sales tool that every lawn care business has been waiting for. With a few clicks, your website can sell your services around the clock.

In much the same way that Amazon is selling products online, you can sell your services seamlessly on your website.

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DeepLawn’s proprietary patent-pending software utilizes AI to automatically map out and estimate the grass areas of your property.

This greatly automates the sales process and allows your company to give pricing right on your website.

With our e-commerce tools, you are able to accept any major credit card seamlessly on your website. Allow your customers to sign up for services in just a few clicks.

The only question is… Are you ready to scale?

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